Thursday, September 20, 2012

Spoon #28: McGarry's

Everyone knows that when you need photo, video, or pro audio equipment, "You go to B&H!".  It was with that in mind that Ms. Dish and I went to that retail curiosity that is B&H last week.  And after doing so, we found ourselves quite hungry!  Luckily, just across the street is McGarry's Pub:

It is a little ironic that although we had just finished shopping at the largest non-chain camera and video store in the United States, we forgot to take a picture of McGarry's.  The picture above was taken by yours truly about a week later as I happened to be passing by.

McGarry's is apparently a pretty old pub, but it looked very new inside.  Their website confirms that although Mr. McGarry opened the pub shortly after World War One, the pub was reopened in 2007 under new ownership.

Maybe it's about time I spilled the beans that Ms. Dish and I are planning a trip to the old Emerald Isle soon, so we have made it a point to visit as many Irish pubs as possible in the hopes that we will be given sound advice by ex-patriot bartenders.  Our bartender at McGarry's recommended that we try a "snackbox" after I ordered up some chicken curry.  We'll give it a shot! 

Here is Spoon number 28:

I think this spoon may drive me to madness.  Right after we swapped, I thought to myself "oh, another one of these spoons" - I was quite certain that we'd swapped this model before!  But after obsessively searching the entire Spoon Swapper archives it seems this is the first occurrence! In particular, this flower on the end seems very familiar...

Well, no matter.  Marked "Winco Stainless", Spoon 28 appears to be from either Winco's Elegance collection:

Or, the "Elegance Plus" collection:

The difference?  Hard to say.

And again like Spoon 23, Spoon 28 does not feature the Winco "8 in a Circle" - maddening! 

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