Monday, December 29, 2014

Spoon #47: Bald Mountain Camps

Gee, have you ever had this dream?  It's the end of the semester... The weight of finals is bearing down on you... class projects... trying to get that grade up... and then, what's this?  You forgot to go to English class!  Not just today... not just this week... but all semester!  Maybe you went that first day... who knows?!  But now the semester is over and you're in deep trouble because you forgot all about it!  
Well, this isn't too far from the scenario that I'm in these days...  Here it is nearly the end of the year, and I never turned in my first assignment!  Well, on the off chance you'll still accept it for grade, please let me present, "How I Swapped My Summer Vacation", a three part series.

This Summer, Ms. Dish and I retreated to the woods of Western Maine to join Mama Bear, Papa Bear, and Ursa Minor for some Rest & Relaxation:

Of course, R&R doesn't mean you can't swap a spoon or two!  This latest swap took place at public dining room of the Bald Mountain Camps in Oquossoc, Maine. 

The Bald Mountain Camps are located on the shores of the Mooselookmeguntic Lake, and date back to their origin as a sporting lodge founded in the 1800s. While Ms. Dish and I usually don't dig eating in a room full of taxidermied critters, we did have a great meal that provided us plenty of energy for the next morning when we, along with Ursa Minor, summited the famed Bald Mountain!   

So what type of spoon should we come to expect in the wilds of Maine?

Ah, Spoon #47 appears with the words "WALCO?".  Isn't that strange?  A little research indicates that Spoon 47 is part of Walco's Balance series:

But what of this mysterious question mark?  What could it mean??  Will Runcible and Ms. Dish ever solve this mystery???

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